7:00 PM19:00

Sacred Space "a night of worship"

Sacred Space: A Night of Worship :We invite you to Rest. Reflect. Reimagine. Through prayer, art, and care, this space will honor individual reflection, expression, and practice to further community healing and restoration.If you have any questions or wish to volunteer to set up please reach out to Kelli Manning at

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5:30 PM17:30

RCity Talent Show 

RCity Talent Show  Friday, April 26, 2024 5:30 PM  7:30 PM R CITY after school is holding a TALENT SHOW!  Join us Friday, April 26th at River City from 5:30- 7:00 PM to watch our kids perform.  Monetary prizes for first, second, and third place will be given in the form of gift cards, and concessions will be available to purchase.

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5:30 PM17:30

Passing The Torch

Join us as we celebrate!

FRIDAY, JANUARY 19TH, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
3709 W GRAND AVE.  |  CHICAGO, IL 60651 

Join us as we celebrate the 8 years of leadership from our founding Executive Director Elizabeth Galik and the transition to our newly appointed Executive Director Charnesha Collier. We are thrilled to honor this time with a special ceremony and reception to follow.

We hope you join us next Friday! RSVP ONLINE                                       
To find out more about this transition, and our new director, Charnesha, click below for the announcement from Elizabeth Galik. 
Director Transition Post

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7:00 PM19:00

Symposium with scholar-in-residence Christine Chang

  • River City Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us Wednesday, January 17 th for our first symposium with scholar-in-residence Christine
Chang, who is studying for her PhD at Yale University, from 7-9 p.m. These symposiums will
allow us the opportunity to hear what Christine learned the past semester at Yale, how that is shaping her potential thesis, and invite us to collectively consider what this means for the larger Church.

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12:00 PM12:00

Annual Fall Potluck- Nov 19

As the leaves change color and the temperature begins to drop, it's time to come together for our favorite fall tradition – the Annual Fall Potluck – “Soup, Stews, and Chili" and we're ready to indulge in a mouthwatering array of comforting dishes. So, gather your culinary skills and bring your best pot of warmth and flavor to share.

RSVP to Let us know if you’ll be attending and what you’ll be bringing. This helps us plan for a diverse spread. Be sure to label your dish with any dietary information or ingredients that may be important for our guests to know. Also, please bring a serving utensil for your dish.

Please contact Carol Taylor with any questions and to sign-up -

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10:00 AM10:00

Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway

  • River City Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are blessed to receive free Thanksgiving baskets from the Lou Malnati foundation. If receiving one of these baskets would be a blessing to you and your family, please contact Antoine Taylor at by next Friday, 11/17.

  • Pick up time for these 50 Turkeys and Baskets will be 11/18/23 Saturday from 12p-1:30p located in the gym area at River City.

  • If you are not able to pick up their Turkey and Basket, we can arrange for delivery. We will need Name, Address, Contact Number and someone to be present for delivery. 

Volunteer to help with Thanksgiving Baskets

On Saturday morning, 11/18/23, from 9a -11:45a, we need 6 volunteers to assemble 50 tote bags, unload and place Thanksgiving baskets which are going to be distributed to neighborhood families with R CITY and House of Hope. To sign up please contact Antoine Taylor at

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to Nov 1

Building Together Campaign

  • River City Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We have officially launch our Building Together Campaign! This project will not happen without all of us bringing the best of what we have! So, we are asking you to please consider responding to one of these five actions steps:

Pic 1 Basketball Court -Pic 2 Lot Looking East -Pic 3 Nature Garden -Pic 4 Play Area & Stage

1. Share the video widely
Please share this wonderfully made video anywhere and everywhere you can. You can send the video directly to friends, family, or co-workers from YouTube 
here. You can also go to River City’s Insta or FB page and share it directly from there. And when you send it, maybe say something in your own words about it? :)

2. Invite your network to the Oct 15th event
We are going to host a wonderful, interactive 
event on October 15th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Guests will have the opportunity to visit each of the 4 dimensions of property (recreation area, performing arts area, nature area, and job creation area) and there will be catered food and drink. To make this as simple as possible, I have written a sample email that you can use, or that you can add your own words to, when you email or text a friend, family member or co-worker to come. Click here for the sample email.

3. Invite your network to donate to the project
Many of you will have friends, family, or co-workers that will not be able to attend the event, but who would still joyfully contribute to this amazing project. We have written a sample email that you can use, or add your own words to, when inviting your network to donate to the project. Click 
here for the sample email.

4. Invite your network to meet 1:1 with me
It is common for high-net-worth donors to request a 1:1 meeting when considering making a substantial donation to a charitable project. As a founding board member of R CITY (for secular or corporate contacts) or as senior pastor of River City (for those who are motivated to give out of faith). Pastor Daniel is happy to meet 1:1 with those who would like to learn more about the project for donating.  Just email

5. Invite your company to donate to the project
Most companies have some type of philanthropic department that offers support to nonprofits ranging from charitable donations, to philanthropic grants, to matching giving. We have a written sample email that you can use, or add your own words to, when inviting your company to learn more about this project. Click 
here for the sample email.

Thank you so much for taking this project so seriously. It is going to make an enormous impact in our neighborhood, and we need each one of us to do our part!

With love,
click here for Building Together Campaign info - video

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6:00 PM18:00

Building Together Campaign Network Event

Invite your network to the Oct 15th event
We are going to host a wonderful, interactive 
event on October 15th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Guests will have the opportunity to visit each of the 4 dimensions of property (recreation area, performing arts area, nature area, and job creation area) and there will be catered food and drink. To make this as simple as possible, I have written a sample email that you can use, or that you can add your own words to, when you email or text a friend, family member or co-worker to come. Click here for the sample email.

Pic 1 Basketball Court -Pic 2 Lot Looking East -Pic 3 Nature Garden -Pic 4 Play Area & Stage

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10:30 AM10:30

Rooted REPS is joining Breakthrough to send off 80 students with the items they need for college!

Breakthrough is hosting a Trunk Party for 80 college-bound students in our community on August 5.  A trunk party is a celebration where guests fill a student's “trunk” with college essentials—such as bedding, towels, toiletries, laundry supplies, and more. These students have been accepted into colleges across the country. However, it costs about $1,000 to outfit a dorm and this cost is not covered by scholarships or financial aid.

We're  excited to support students in this way, but we can't do it without your help! Here are ways you can help us throw the Trunk Party: There are 3 ways to participate: 


  2. PURCHASE ITEMS: Purchase toiletries, linens, school supplies, and more from our wish lists.    Click TRUNK PARTY


more info, check out video below or email our leadership team: Taylor - Sergio - or Marla

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5:00 PM17:00

Get Out the Vote Rally –

Rooted REPS is collaborating, alongside fellow West Side churches, to organize a Get out the Vote rally on Sunday, March 26th, from 5-7 p.m. at New Mount Pilgrim Church, located at 4301 W Washington Blvd, Chicago, IL 60624.

The rally will feature a gospel choir, comprised of the different churches participating, as well as a keynote address from Rev. Al Sharpton.
The event is nonpartisan and is focused on increasing voter turnout. This is a crucial election coming up, and voter turnout is therefore paramount. Come join us as we lock arms with folks from around the West Side and bring focused attention to this upcoming election. info emall

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to Apr 6

Gospel Choir for Easter Sunday

  • River City Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The River City Gospel Choir is back, and you're invited to join!

Anyone with a love for singing and worship is welcome to participate. The choir will prepare for Easter Sunday worship on April 9. Rehearsals will be held on Thursday evenings: March 23, March 30, and April 6, from 7-9pm in the sanctuary. Contact Pastor Aaron to join!

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12:00 PM12:00

New Member Class - Feb. 26

River City periodically holds membership classes for any attendees who would like to become members of the church. Our next new member class will be held on Sunday, February 26 after service! Lunch and childcare will be provided. Please contact Pastor Daniel to RSVP, and to ask any questions you might have about membership.

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5:00 PM17:00

Black History Showcase with R CITY

You are invited to a Black History Month Showcase on Friday, February 24 from 5-7:30pm at the church! R CITY youth will prepare programming to celebrate Black history, including performances, trivia, and more. Dinner will be provided. It has been so wonderful to partner with R CITY in recent months on collaborative events; mark your calendars to celebrate, learn, and fellowship together!  

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to Mar 12

Journey to Baptism - Youth and Adults

  • River City Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our next baptism service is coming up on March 19! Any Junior and Senior high students who are ready to explore baptism are welcome to join a four-week Journey to Baptism course, taught by Pastor Benjamin. Each week will cover a vital aspect of the meaning of baptism in our faith journeys, with intentional consideration of the ways faith is lived out in real-life context. Classes will be held after church service for the four Sundays starting February 19 through March 12.  More info email Pastor Benjamin
An adult baptism class will be held after service on Sunday, March 5, led by Pastor Daniel. Please email him directly if you are interested in baptism!

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12:00 PM12:00

RR (Rooted REPS)

Join us for RR’s 2023 planning meeting! As believers in God's heart for justice and God’s  power to reconcile all things, we lament all forms of injustice that keep us broken and divided, we seek pathways towards healing and connection, and we commit to restoring peace and justice in our city through prayer and collective action.  Building community, sharing resources and making a difference.

We’ll be utilizing this meeting time to map out our 2023 Workshops - Events - Activities

Please RSVP, so we can coordinate lunch and if childcare is needed. Email

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5:00 PM17:00

Youth Christmas Party

R CITY, House of Hope, and River City are coming together to host a Christmas party for all our youth and young ones! We look forward to celebrating Christmas together as a large extended family. All are invited to attend and participate. Food, games, activities, and prizes are all in store! The party begins at 5pm at our church building.

More info is still on its way, but in the meantime - we are in need of volunteers to help clean up the building after the party is over! If you can join the clean up crew, please email Taylor:

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12:00 PM12:00

Rooted REPS presents Live Free Chicago

Rooted REPS is excited to invite you to a lunch presentation by Artinese Myrick, lead Chicago organizer with LIVE FREE CHICAGO, on mobilizing Chicago churches to fight structural violence wrought by systemic racism. LIVE FREE CHICAGO is part of a national faith-based movement to organize people of color against mass incarceration and violence. We are thankful for our Rooted REPS leaders who have connected River City to this collaboration of Chicago congregations seeking healing and justice in our communities.

We will meet the sanctuary after service on December 11, from 12-1:30pm. Lunch and childcare will be provided! Please contact Taylor at to RSVP.

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5:00 PM17:00

RCity Fall Fest!

All are invited to the R CITY / RC3 Fall Fest, happening on Friday 10/21 from 5-7pm, in our church building. There will be carnival games, prizes, food, a bouncy house, and lots of fun! Mark your calendars!

We greatly value any opportunity to collaborate with R CITY and create memorable spaces where ALL of our children can play and interact together. Our R CITY kids call River City home from Mondays through Fridays, and our RC3 kids do the same on Sundays. It is so core to who we want to be as a church to cultivate intentional spaces of joy and community, together.

Hope to see you there! .

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12:00 PM12:00

Kid City Volunteer Training

Sunday, October 16

Our annual Kid City volunteer training will be held on Sunday, October 16 after church. Lunch and childcare will be provided. We are so grateful to every one of our Kid City volunteers! Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our young ones, and for making time to gather together and collaboratively envision how to create nurturing, loving, developmentally-appropriate spaces for our young ones to experience the love of God.

More info email Christine:

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10:00 AM10:00

World Communion Sunday

World Communion Sunday !

World Communion Sunday, which we will be celebrating at River City for the first time. In acknowledgement of the expansiveness of the body of Christ, which honors and connects all cultures across the globe, we will receive the abundance of the Lord’s Table by feasting on several forms of (non-Eurocentric) bread which represent “home” to members of our congregation. Service will follow our usual format, with a more expansive communion in which we will receive the bread(s) and the cup in a pandemic-sensitive manner. We hope to see you at service to join in this joyous celebration of togetherness, and the call to justice - both of which we receive through the Lord’s Table.

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