What you can expect
Our hope is to cultivate welcoming, worshipful spaces during River City services. Our congregation is multi-cultural in many respects, bringing a vast diversity of life experiences, and various expectations of church. Because there is not a singular church tradition that River City draws from, we find it helpful to describe the purpose for each component of our service, and what to expect.
First, there are no named or unnamed expectations with dress code. Please come as you feel most comfortable! Additionally, our church services generally run for about 90 minutes.
Songs of Worship
We begin here, to connect with the presence of God, and to express our love for Him. The style reflects the multicultural nature of our church body, and is informed by a variety of musical genres.
Prayer and Praise
This is a sacred time of being present with one another, as a Christ-centered community. A time of corporate prayer is led, in response to voiced prayer requests. We also celebrate joyful happenings, and honor birthdays together. This portion closes with a time of prayer over our children (a River City tradition, to engage the entire community as “the village” for our children), and the giving of our tithes and offerings.
Our sermons are rooted in Scripture, and are intended to help us see God more clearly, grow in our ability to receive the love of God, and continually learn to live in response to that love. We are mindful of various cultures, spiritual backgrounds, and stages of life that are represented in our church community.
On the first Sunday of the month, we receive the Lord’s Supper together. All who feel led to participate are welcome to receive this gift of communion. The elders of the church are available to pray with you during this time as well. Bread and juice are provided, including a gluten free option.
Getting Connected
Please join us in the front foyer area after service to fellowship with our church community!
Directions and Parking
Sunday worship starts at 10:00 am, at 3709 W. Grand Ave. Free street parking is available on Grand. Additional parking for River City is also available at the Cameron Elementary School parking lot - the entrance is on Lawndale Ave., just south of Potomac Ave. (the school’s street address is 1234 N. Monticello Ave.) (map)