The COVID-19 crisis continues to bring economic hardship and suffering to individuals and families, leaving millions unemployed, unable to make rent or mortgage payments, or facing great uncertainty with managing debt, credit, and personal finances. Either we ourselves, or someone in our personal networks, may be feeling the weight of these burdens right now. And it can be extremely confusing to navigate the slew of information coming our way on the stimulus bill provisions, or what to do when facing unemployment or difficulties making rent. There seem to be constantly-changing messages, and even a great deal of misinformation floating around, making an already difficult situation even more challenging.
In response to this, Dylan Bellisle, Lindsay Ayers, Melinda Croes, and Bill Smiljanich have collaborated together to share their knowledge and expertise in the following areas:
April 14th - The Federal Government Stimulus Bills and Unemployment Insurance: How it applies to you (Dylan Bellisle, Lindsay Ayers)
April 21st - Credit Building and Debt Management (Melinda Croes)
April 28th - COVID-19 and Information for Renters, Homeowners, and Landlords (Bill Smiljanich)
May 5th - What to do when Budgeting goes wrong (Stephanie Gill-Jones)
Each seminar starts at 7:30pm, via Zoom, scheduled for one hour (please note - different Zoom account than our regular RC3 one, additional detail below).
You are invited to attend, and to also share this opportunity in your networks! The focus is on practical, helpful content, and we hope to share this information and resources with anyone who can benefit from it.
Please contact us if you are interested and we will privately message you the Zoom info.