Hello all, We are continuing to build the No Kids Die In The Chi movement with our monthly marches, calling for peace in our neighborhoods and covering them in prayer.
Going forward, we will be using this schedule so that people can plan ahead:
- Planning Meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm
- Peace March will be held on the Saturday February 26th at 12 noon
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8107356785?pwd=R296UkhvTVBubUhJRVdSRU9zUmEwdz09
Meeting ID: 810 735 6785 ]
For Passcode: email ataylor@rivercitychicago.com
Agenda will include feedback on the previous marches, new ideas, volunteer signup, fundraising, and community outreach. Please feel free to invite others to join both the planning meeting and the march.
Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom!